About Us
Flood-Con, LLC is an automated stormwater management company that provides cutting edge technology through its proprietary products and engineering services. Our mission is to revolutionize the stormwater management industry with products that combine engineering and technology. We provide real solutions for responsible urban development.
Solutions are needed that meet or exceed increasing regulations without impacting cost. Higher costs are expressed in larger retention ponds with less developable land and/or fines for not meeting regulations. Flood-con provides products that:
Meets or exceeds stormwater runoff and quality requirements.
Significantly reduces the cost of stormwater infrastructure.
Our monitoring system provides alerts for device health, exceeded thresholds for environmental parameters, and event specific information.
Record event data and provide customers with workflows to stay in compliance and audit trails to prove compliance.
Automated Outlet Structures
Natural land allows for 20% stormwater runoff during a rain event. Most stormwater seeps into the ground or evaporates. When natural land is developed with nonporous materials (asphalt/structures) runoff increases as much as 90%. In combination with a stormwater pond our AOS can control runoff and return percentages back to the natural state.
Our AOS is a patented intelligent device that monitors rainfall and depth of pond then calculates how much water to allow to flow from the pond. It can mimic the natural runoff rate and volume and provides proper management of water quantity and quality. It sends storm event and vital information to our cloud via cellular connectivity. The feature most valued by our customers is its ability to reduce stormwater ponds up to 50%. For above ground ponds this gives the customer more flexibility developing the property. For sites with underground ponds it can save the customer substantial cost in underground detention. Flood-Con is the only company in the industry to provide a real solution to stormwater management and flood control.

Meets or exceeds stormwater runoff and quality requirements
Significantly reduces the cost of stormwater infrastructure
Our monitoring system provides alerts for device health and exceeded thresholds for environmental parameters
Records event data in the cloud and provides customers ability to prove regulatory compliance
100% Solar powered and off-the-grid
Interested in seeing how our AOS can help your Site. Use the link below to submit your Hydrology Report and Grading Plan to our Design Team.
Click Here
Construction Site Monitors
Construction Site Monitors save our customers time and money. Contractors no longer have to waste time maintaining and checking old cylinder rain gauges. Inspections are only done when needed and we help insure they are done on time avoiding fines.
Flood-Con provides real time rainfall monitoring through our website so our customers are always aware of how much it’s raining.
Our Site Monitors are powered by a solar panel and a lithium ion rechargeable battery so you NEVER have to worry about charging it even on cloudy or rainy days.
Our customers receive an email notification when a BMP inspection is required and when an inspection report is completed. An online form field inspection report is available for use in the field with digital signature capability.
Diagnostics - Our Site Monitors sends back battery voltage and other important information to remotely manage our monitoring unit even when its not raining.

Environmental Monitors
Flood-con provides self-contained, solar-powered environmental monitors for rain fall, water depth, pollutant detection and water quality. We provide realtime monitoring through our website. These monitors can be combined in multiple ways to provide data for studies, alerting, and regulatory compliance.
Our Environmental Monitors provide real time water quality monitoring in streams, lakes and rivers. Parameters include flow, stage, dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity and turbidity.
Readings are time stamped and displayed our online web application on one (1) minute intervals or longer. Data is easily exportable into excel file format.
SMS text alerts available for customized exceedance limits of each environmental parameter.
Completely self-contained. No external power required.

Active Treament Systems
*This system was built in partnership with Putman Erosion Control, Inc.
For construction sites in sensitive areas, stormwater must be monitored and actively treated before sending downstream. Our Active Treatment Systems monitors incoming water quality, treats it, then sends it downstream or recirculates it based on resulting clarity. Results are logged locally and sent to our web site for monitoring and alerting. ATS provides a smart, reliable solution that is significantly more cost effective than the competition.
Our automated ATS treats construction site stormwater using polymer injection, retention and filtration methods. Components include a frac tank, static mixer, sand filter, polymer pumps, rain gauge, flow meter, actuator valves and turbidity sensors.
Rainfall, flow, turbidity (influent/effluent), gate status (open/close) are time stamped and displayed our online web application on 15 minute intervals. Data is easily exportable into excel file format.
Discharges to receiving stream only when turbidity meets the minimum required and recirculates when the minimum is not met.
Completely self-contained. No external power required.
Website Console
All of our products report events and readings up to our Website Console. Customers can see in realtime the status of their products 24/7. All products communicate via cellular LTE. For Automated Outlet Structures and Active Treatment System cellular connectivity is not required for the device to function properly. Every product reports events in real time in custom time intervals. This provides valuable data and ensure the device is healthy.
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Our Address
209 Oxmoor Circle, Suite 710, Birmingham, AL 35209
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